Friday 17 April 2020

greddy cat at the supermarket

one day  greedycat was with emily in her room emilys  mum told emily if she wonted to go to the supermarket mum said greedycat cant go to the super market said mum because she is so greddy
so mum left greedycat at home with dad when mum came back home but when mum went in to her bed room she saw it a miss she blamed greedycat mum curcked her outside in the backyared mum
clenaed her room and wased mad a greddy cat every aging   the end


  1. Hahahaha hi Tearoa. I thought your story was very funny and creative! I really liked the part when mum came home and thought that was hilarious. To improve you could maybe proof read and look up words you are unsure how to spell. keep up the outstanding writing!

    Mr Nua


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